meet mimma
Greetings! My name is Mimma Mogavero and it is with heartfelt gratitude that I welcome you to my practice and to the wonderful world of Traditional Chinese Medicine, particularly acupuncture and Chinese herbs. I invite you to experience how this ancient healing modality can be of benefit to your well-being.

I began my studies in acupuncture and herbal medicine at the New England School of Acupuncture in 1998, after working as a Microbiology Technologist at Massachusetts General Hospital for over 18 years. I was always intrigued by “alternative health therapies” and witnessed an improvement in my own health when I combined some of these alternatives (acupuncture, nutritional therapy and meditation) with western medical care. After an acupuncture session I always felt calm, balanced and extremely relaxed. It was then that I felt compelled to share this wonderful feeling with others.

In 2001, I founded Acupuncture and Herbal Health Therapies, a full-service acupuncture practice located in Melrose, Massachusetts. I have a thriving practice, treating all types of conditions such as:  allergies, infertility, digestive issues, stress and pain management, headaches and more. My practice was featured in the February 23 – March 1, 2006 issue of the Melrose Weekly News. I feel blessed to have terrific patients and I gain a tremendous amount of personal satisfaction working in both western and eastern health care.

I am also a certified Medical Technologist with over 30 years experience at Massachusetts General Hospital, where I currently hold a Supervisory position in the Microbiology laboratory.

Mimma’s Bio:
Licensed Acupuncturist - 2001
Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine

Certification in Acupuncture  - 2001
Certification in Herbs  - 2002
National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

Master’s Degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine  - 2001
New England School of Acupuncture
(the oldest school of Oriental Medicine in the United States) 

Bachelor Degree in Biology  - 1979
Suffolk University

Certified Medical Technologist - 1979
American Society of Clinical Pathologists
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